DermWeb: WebCT
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Important notes

  1. If you have a computer at home, you may do the exam there. The URL of the exam is:
    Click here...
  2. Each module may take approximately 2-3 minutes to load completely on a 14.4 modem
  3. If you plan on taking the exam at the library in the Division of Dermatology, please note that the lunch hour is a high Internet use time at VGH, and the images may take a long time to load into the computer. The best times to use the VGH network are early in the morning and late in the afternoon (before 8:00 or after 4:30)
  4. If you have any questions, please direct them to Bay, the division secretary or to the Dermatology WebCT Design Team via email (see below)
  5. Have fun!

Web CT Design Team

Faculty Supervisors

  • Harvey Lui MD, FRCPC
  • David McLean MD, FRCPC
  • Jerry Shapiro MD, FRCPC
  • Lorne Albrecht MD, FRCPC
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